Our Commitment to School Safety: Protecting Students & Their Education

We believe every student deserves a safe space to learn and grow. With K12, you can feel comfortable knowing your child is safe and supported from the moment you entrust us with their education.

We serve students like sisters Jacqueline, Isabella, and Francesca—survivors of a shooting in Las Vegas, who shared their story of bullying after the tragedy.

At K12-powered schools, we’re committed to ensuring that every student feels at ease and respected all day, every day—no matter who they are or where they come from.

What Is School Safety?

School safety refers to academic environments and related activities through which students can learn, grow, and interact with their peers while staying safe from violence, bullying, harassment, and the influence of substance use.

Higher levels of school safety are linked to improved student outcomes, with emotional and physical safety directly associated with academic performance. Simply put—when students feel safe, they perform better.1

Like Kendall, a student at a K12-powered school in Virginia, who shared her story of being bullied at her former brick-and-mortar school and how she found respite from these struggles. Ensure your student’s safety and success with an online education option at home.

“No student should ever be worried about going to school or logging into class because they’re afraid of being abused or mistreated.”
—James Rhyu, K12 Chief Executive Officer

Explore Podcasts on School Safety

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What can we do to ensure all children feel safe at school?

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How can we support students’ emotional and mental wellness?

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How can we keep kids safe online?

Our Commitment to Bullying Prevention

Nearly one in five students report being bullied in school,1 an experience that can profoundly impact their well-being and long-term goals. Bullying can take many forms, including physical altercations, spreading rumors, or online cruelty.

Knowing the signs and preventing bullying are crucial to creating an environment where students feel safe to learn and grow. 

K12 is committed to preventing bullying, and we have a zero-tolerance policy. Teachers at K12-powered schools are trained to recognize signs of bullying and take immediate action.

Meet Leo as he talks about the difference a K12-powered education made in his life.

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K12 Partners with PACER

K12 is proud to partner with PACER, sharing specialized toolkits and resources with students and school districts to outline critical ways to recognize and respond to bullying. Find the resources you need to feel safe and supported in your school, community, and online. If you or someone you know is struggling with bullying, there is help.

Student Mental Health Matters

A student’s mental health can affect their academic performance, and their educational environment can impact their mental health. It’s closely intertwined, meaning supporting students from all angles is important to creating a safe space for productive and effective learning.

Students may be juggling a range of mental health concerns; some may be dealing with lower levels of stress and anxiety, while others may be experiencing a larger tragedy or upheaval in their lives that’s impacting their mental health. How can parents process tragedy while still helping their children cope? Our chief learning officer, Niyoka McCoy, shares her thoughts in Newsweek.

For some students and their families, transitioning to online learning can be a great option for dealing with mental health challenges.

Learn More About Student Mental Health

A woman smiling with her arms crossed, standing in front of a heart symbol, exuding warmth and positivity.

Student Socialization & Development

Considering an online schooling option to ensure that your student feels safe and at ease in their learning environment doesn’t mean sacrificing on social opportunities. At K12, we know that providing students with opportunities to explore and develop their interests as well as connect with their peers is a critical component of creating a safe and supportive learning atmosphere.

When students feel the freedom to try new things and express themselves, they grow their confidence and sense of self. Students can depend on these qualities as they continue on their educational journey and ultimately enter the professional world.

Learn More About Social Opportunities

Three students walk down a hallway, each carrying a book, engaged in conversation and sharing ideas.

Support Your Child’s Wellbeing Throughout the School Year

Student safety concerns might pop up at any time throughout the school year, but you don’t have to wait to find a solution. If you’re seeking a different learning environment, or you need to make a fast change to their education setup to support your child, K12-powered online schools can help make virtual learning a real possibility, no matter the time of year.

K12 Strives to Make All Students Feel Safe

For students to learn effectively, they must feel safe enough to open their minds, try new things, and push themselves past their comfort zones. K12-powered schools offer safe learning environments so every student can reach their full potential.


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What I Must Teach My Black Son About Living in America

1”Safety | National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE).” Home | National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE), https://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/topic-research/safety.