Meet Cash

A bright student who excels in school, Cash also has dyslexia and dysgraphia, which make reading and writing a challenge. Online learning with K12 provides the extra support he needs to achieve his full potential, now and in the future.

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Why This Family Chose K12

Cash’s mom and Learning Coach, Brandi, originally chose homeschooling so she and her three kids could join her husband on work trips. As her sons grew into advanced learners, she wanted a more rigorous curriculum—and a program that could accommodate Cash’s learning differences.

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Benefit from individualized support

Cash is an honors student with straight As who needs extra support to navigate his dyslexia and dysgraphia. K12 offers a curriculum that keeps him challenged and motivated while providing resources — including speech and occupational therapy — to help him succeed.

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Strengthen family bonds through learning

A household abuzz with learning makes for stimulating dinner conversations. Cash and his brothers all work on their own assignments but share what they’ve learned in the evenings. Brandi brings the teacher’s perspective.

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Dig into advanced academics

Cash and his brothers thrive when given advanced enrichment opportunities. K12 offers an engaging electives and exciting extracurriculars, from esports to LEGO® club—encouraging students to explore their passions and expand their skills.

A Day in the Life of Cash

Cash is a motivated student with diverse skills and interests. His dyslexia and dysgraphia don’t slow him down, thanks in part to K12’s dedicated support services that empower Cash to achieve his best.


Set Up for Success

Schoolwork for Cash is a mix of scheduled, live classes, self-guided offline assignments, and special school services like speech and occupational therapy.

On a typical day, Cash might start with a live math class led by his state-certified teacher, followed by an independent writing assignment. If he gets stuck, his mom and Learning Coach, Brandi, is there to help. He can also ask his teachers questions in class, via email, or during weekly office hours.

Cash’s learning space features his computer, textbooks, and supplies for offline activities — all provided by K12. Brandi’s workspace is nearby so she can assist Cash easily if needed.

Beyond the Online Classroom

When not in class or completing assignments, Cash gets creative with art projects, practices his archery skills, plants seeds in the garden, and snuggles the family’s pup, Star. 

K12’s efficient approach to online education and scheduling leaves Cash plenty of time to enjoy his interests and hobbies.

A Day in the Life of Brandi

Doing triple duty as mom, Learning Coach, and K12 teacher, Brandi supports her own sons’ learning while educating students across her state. She believes in the power of online learning and is passionate about helping students feel engaged, motivated, and valued for who they are.


Help Is Only a Raised Hand Away

Learning Coaches typically spend between four to six hours each day overseeing the education of fifth grade students like Cash. Brandi’s older kids are more independent but still consult her if they need help with a tricky grammar question or math problem.

Brandi divides much of her day between supervising Cash’s learning and leading her own classes. She works close by her youngest son to help whenever he has questions and remind him to take breaks if he needs to reset.


Work That Matters, Students That Matter More

Once school is done for the day, Brandi’s kids aren’t bound to a homework packet that’s busy work. Instead, they have time to explore the zoo, hang out in the park, or take a family hike.

The same goes for Brandi’s fourth grade students. She assigns creative projects — like researching and writing about strange animals — that encourage meaningful learning opportunities. Brandi works hard to create a cohesive, inclusive classroom that makes each student feel valued and inspired.


Brandi’s Copilots

A teacher herself, Brandi can draw on her familiarity with K12 resources and tools — but whenever she needs extra support, she turns to the responsive K12 community of principals, counselors, and fellow teachers and Learning Coaches.

Like Brandi, these educators are committed to offering students and families personalized support, which can include additional tutoring, specialized services, and countless K12-powered online resources.


Seize the Day With Confidence

Cash spends a few hours each day in live classes learning core subjects like language arts, math, science, and history. He pays extra attention to his writing, taking online occupational therapy twice a week, online speech therapy, and special writing classes that help him get his ideas down on paper and boost his confidence.

His day starts at nine and is done by three, sometimes earlier. Built into his schedule are breaks where he can get up and move around, play with his dog, and take some space from the screen.


Seize the Day With Confidence

Cash spends a few hours each day in live classes learning core subjects like language arts, math, science, and history. He pays extra attention to his writing, taking online occupational therapy twice a week, online speech therapy, and special writing classes that help him get his ideas down on paper and boost his confidence.

His day starts at nine and is done by three, sometimes earlier. Built into his schedule are breaks where he can get up and move around, play with his dog, and take some space from the screen.


Embrace Larning From Every Angle

Fifth graders like Cash usually take between five and six subjects each semester, with two to four of those requiring scheduled, live classes. Along with self-guided assignments, Cash works in small groups with his peers, building social skills and forming meaningful relationships.

His state-certified teachers help Cash develop the fundamental skills and knowledge to master major subject areas and complete more advanced coursework at his own pace. The K12 approach accommodates multiple learning styles and delivers a rigorous curriculum through animations, interactive games, video, text, and plenty of hands-on activities.

Cash especially loves his school science experiments and participating in enrichment opportunities outside the classroom, like trips to the zoo and aquarium.


Celebrate Learning Wins

Cash has made great strides with K12 support services. Thanks to speech and occupational therapy, special writing classes, and encouragement from a positive learning community, Cash can now type, speak, and write much better on his own, and feels validated in his progress.

Not only does Cash now have many tools to help him on his educational journey, he’s earning excellent grades in his honors classes — and, most importantly, has newfound confidence in his learning abilities.

Family Q&A

After switching her kids from traditional homeschool to a K12-powered program, Cash’s mom and Learning Coach, Brandi, was so impressed with the immersive online learning environment that she became a teacher at a K12-powered school herself.

Question 1 of 6

Why did you switch to online school?

We switched for a more enriching curriculum. With my boys becoming advanced learners and Cash needing additional help with his learning disability, I couldn’t give them all they needed via traditional homeschool. Plus, my husband travels a lot, and we wanted to be able to spend more time together.

Question 2 of 6

Why do you like online school?

Online school has been a better choice for us. The curriculum is much more rigorous. They’re learning higher-level math, writing better, and reading at more advanced levels. Cash is doing much better with writing, spelling, and reading, thanks to the services he receives now.

Question 3 of 6

What’s it like doing school at home with your whole family? How do you navigate it all as the Learning Coach for three students?

Well, in addition to being the Learning Coach for my kids, I’m a 4th grade teacher at a K12-powered school, so we’re all at our computers. Organization is key. Now that my kids are older, they’re more independent learners. I’m available to help Cash as he needs it, and the others know to find me.

Question 4 of 6

How does your family stay social doing online school?

The K12-powered school offers a lot of options for social activities. Cash is in art club, does archery, and enjoys parkour with his friends. The older boys did theater club and esports. And all three of them get together with friends virtually to play video games.

Question 5 of 6

Did anything about online school surprise you?

I was surprised that our family dinner conversations got better. Once the boys started online school, we discussed more about what they learned during the day. My husband and I expressed more curiosity, and our kids were more interested in sharing their learning with us.

Question 6 of 6

Why did you choose K12 over other online learning options?

The main thing for me was the curriculum. K12-powered school gave my children plenty of options for honors classes, advanced learner classes, and dual-enrollment classes at the local college. Plus, it came with all the support services we were looking for to help Cash with his dyslexia and dysgraphia.

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Learning With K12

From kindergarten to high school, K12 provides tuition-free online education that empowers students to learn in ways that work for them. Browse options in your state to find the perfect fit for your family.

These are the stories of real students attending K12-powered schools and their families. Content is a combination of direct quotes and summaries from interviews. Their stories each reflect their experiences at their respective schools. Actual experiences can vary by student and school. These pages are designed to reflect a typical day in the life of a student attending an online K12-powered school. Individual class schedules and requirements will vary by state, school, and the individual needs of each student. Course materials vary, and certain schools may not provide computers or may have specific requirements for providing equipment.