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Explore services for Students with Special Needs at K12-Powered Schools

K12-powered schools are dedicated to empowering high-quality, personalized learning to help each student learn in ways that work for them. Teachers and support staff work together to target student strengths, letting students explore and grow in those subjects while giving helpful attention to areas that require more support. Explore how a tailored approach to online school special education can help your student achieve their academic goals, find their confidence, and put them on a path to success.

Students who have a documented disability may receive support, accommodations, modifications, and/or related services as required by law.

Online special education services and programs at K12-powered schools combine digital learning, independent projects away from the screen, and online connections with teachers and fellow classmates.

The class and assignment schedule has built-in flexibility that allows students to work through lessons at their own pace and take breaks when needed—whether they need to exert energy, go to an appointment, or simply take a mental pause.

The adaptive curriculum meets learners where they are—two students with different abilities can take two different paths to fully understand a topic.

Students can make friends and engage with their peers across the nation through extracurricular activities, including clubs, showcases, workshops, and online summer camps.

K12-Powered Special Education Programs

Schools powered by K12 work to foster the joy of learning in every student through personalized learning, engaging courses, compassionate teachers, and an inclusive community. Teachers and staff work closely with parents and students to identify their needs, celebrate their strengths, and collaborate to find approaches that work for them. Program structure and resources are designed to maximize the special education experience for both students and parents (who often serve as the student’s Learning Coach).

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Personalized education experience that aligns with your student’s IEP or 504 plan

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Opportunities for students and their families to make friends and connect with peers

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State-certified teachers and qualified paraprofessionals

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Inclusive and supportive school community

Hear from Real Students and Learning Coaches

Student Success Stories

How do students with special needs react to the online school setting? What triumphs or challenges do they face? Hear directly from K12-powered students and families.

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Meet Connor

He’s a hands-on learner and does best with frequent breaks. Online school lets him do what he needs to do to stay engaged – stand at his desk, use fidgets, dance – and he’s doing great in his classes.

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Meet Julie

She needed extra help catching up in English and can have a hard time focusing around other students. Julie is thriving now that she feels comfortable and safe in online school and gets the personalized attention she needs.

Online Special Education Services Resources

Want to know more about online learning programs and if they provide an equitable educational experience for students with special needs? Here’s more information for you to explore.

Frequently Asked Questions About Online School for Students with Special Needs

Curious about special education services offered at K12-powered schools? Read some of the most common questions regarding online school options for special needs students.

For many students, online school is an opportunity to get away from the distractions of a traditional school and classroom. The ability to take courses online and complete coursework at their own pace allows students to focus on their learning. They can also receive the special education supports they need within the privacy of their own homes. Parents of students with special needs also find the regular communication with the teachers at K12-powered schools to be helpful in supporting their children academically.

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the law requires public schools to provide special education services to students ages 3–21 who meet certain criteria. For a student to qualify for special education services, they must have a documented disability that is covered under IDEA and need special education to access the general education curriculum.

Under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, students with a documented disability that substantially limits one or more basic life activities may qualify for a 504 plan.

“Accommodations” refer to tools or strategies used to ensure that students have access to general curriculum. This could include reading tests aloud to students or using text-to-speech software for students who have reading or visual disabilities.

“Modifications” are adjustments made regarding how much a student is expected to do or learn. Modifications could include shortened assignments, less rigorous goals, or modified test or project formats or requirements.

“Related services” refer to supports that are not strictly educational, such as occupational therapy, counseling, and social work.

Time outside of scheduled online classes is flexible. Students may spend more time on particular subjects as needed. Students are expected to work in their courses daily and meet certain assignment and progress goals. Many schools offer small group instruction for students who are struggling. Other services and accommodations may be available depending on student needs and programs offered in your state.

K12 powers online school options for students with special needs at all grade levels. There are special education elementary school services, middle school special education options, and online high schools with programs for students with special needs.

Yes, private schools offer services for students with special needs. Offerings vary by school and state.

Ready to Enroll?

You’ve done your research, you like what you see, and you’re ready to sign up. Take the next step by creating a Parent Portal account or logging in to your existing account.

*In-person learning opportunities vary by school. Please check with your school.
** Courses vary by school. Please check with your school.
This time varies based on the independence of your student.
§Extracurricular activities and clubs vary by school. Please check with your school.
Career fields vary by school. Please check with your school.