Online Learning Tips for Everyday Success

As students start their learning journeys, best practices pave a path to excellence—both in and out of the online classroom.

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Make Online Learning Work for Your Family

Transitioning to online school can seem intimidating, but K12 is here to help.


Empower Your Student to Thrive

As a Learning Coach, you’ll play an active role in your student’s education. Explore tips, suggestions, and success stories from K12 to illuminate your path forward.

Create a Learning Nook

A dedicated learning area is key for ensuring consistency and focus. While every family has different space constraints, you can create a comfortable learning nook with a bit of planning and creativity.

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  • Evaluate your available space

    Ideally, your child’s learning environment will be calm and quiet. Think about the spaces in your home where they can easily focus.

  • Take every child into account

    Multiple students means multiple live online classes. You’ll need a space where each child can participate in class and complete assignments without distraction.

  • Note who will be home

    If siblings or several adults will be home during the day, a private learning environment can minimize noise and keep your child on track.

  • Consider age and maturity

    Young children need supervision during the day, while older students can work more independently. If your student is young, choose a learning area you can easily monitor.

  • Ask your child for input

    Your child likely has an idea about where they want to learn. By having them weigh in, you empower them to make decisions and build excitement for the year ahead.

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Set Up the Essentials

Once you’ve decided on a learning space for your child, a few essentials will ensure the space is fully functional.

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Test your internet connection

A strong Wi-Fi signal is critical for online learning. Test your internet connection before the first day of class, and if you have trouble, move your router closer to your student’s learning area.

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Emulate a classroom setting

Mirroring an in-person learning environment can help your student stay alert and focused during the day. Opt for a desk or table over a couch or bed.

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Get your supplies ready

Your student will likely complete hands-on activities in addition to online assignments. Review the list of recommended supplies before the school year and gather everything you need ahead of time.

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Keep it flexible

Your student may need extra space for a specific project or class. By being flexible, you can reduce stress and help your child’s learning proceed smoothly.


Exploration Beyond the Classroom

K12-powered online school offers the same opportunities to socialize and have fun as traditional school—plus a few extras. Your child can engage with peers and explore interests through K12’s online clubs, competitions, and career prep opportunities.

Recommended Resources

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Support your student from day one

These education-focused webinars and podcasts offer tips and advice to prepare you for your role as Learning Coach.

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Foster priceless memories and friendships

With K12, your child can connect with peers and attend fun events in a safe, online environment.

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I’m Ready to Find a School.

Select your state for a list of accredited K12-powered online schools in your area.

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I’m Ready to Enroll.

Create an enrollment portal account or log in to your existing account to begin the enrollment process.